Monday, December 27, 2010

I Really Mean It This Time

One of my New Year's resolutions is to commit to a weekly post. This started out as a monthly endeavor and I don't mean to ignore this blog, I just get so distracted! On that note, consider this the first weekly post. I'm not reviewing beers (maybe when my palate is a little more experienced), I just want to share my beer-related thoughts and adventures. First thing's first: Mikkeller Red/White Christmas.

Mikkeller Red/White Christmas

I picked up a magnum at my local Whole Foods and was so excited to finally open it at a small dinner party on Christmas Eve. I wish I'd had the wherewithal to scribble in my 33 Beers notebook because all I can remember is how hoppy and spicy it smelled. The first sip tasted, basically, like Christmas. I was baking gingerbread cookies (while friends were over, so tacky) and they were a perfect accompaniment to the beer! Next: Flying Dog Raging Bitch.

Flying Dog Raging Bitch

Gonzo Imperial Porter was one of the first craft beers I ever tried and I couldn't finish the bottle. If you've ever had it, dear reader, maybe you'll take pity on me. I'd been shy about Flying Dog ever since, but at the behest of a friend I tried the Raging Bitch. I expected it to be a sock in the taste buds like its brewery brethren but was so pleasantly surprised at its hoppy-but-not-bitter smoothness. Like music to my mouth. It smells like an IPA but goes down like a Belgian trippel. Numero tres: 21st Amendment Fireside Chat.

21st Amendment Fireside Chat

My darling boyfriend was up in San Francisco visiting a friend of his and stopped at City Beer Store at my request to pick up the Fireside Chat. Unfortunately it was the last 6 pack they had, so I have to be stingy. It might just be my mind playing tricks, wishing for Monk's Blood, but this beer pours just like it. Heady, dark, and smooth, but with a distinct spicy bite. I was all pumpkin'd out by the end of October and haven't enjoyed spiced ales more than I have this month. Last but not least: Anchor Brewing Merry Christmas Happy New Year 2010.

Anchor Christmas

This beer is always a favorite. I enjoyed the 12oz bottles earlier in the month as I had in years before, but this was the first time I had beer from the magnum. Correct me if I'm wrong, but as I understand it, the magnums are bottle-conditioned where the 6 packs are not. The 12oz bottles have a sharp taste that I can't pinpoint, and the magnums are smooth and dark, but light in body (not in flavor). I will be getting magnums every year. Also I've never tried aging them, nor would I have the restraint to leave them there, but I guess now is as good a time as any!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


I started last month with the intent to post at least every week to this blog and I have failed. So this is the first weekly post! I have a few pictures and no notes from November's meeting, and I'm excited to share some beer presents with you. I forgot to take a picture of the beer that was given to me by my good friend Joey, but BeerAdvocate has one! Go look at it. Awesome, right? Also, we gave each other magnums of Anchor's Merry Christmas, Happy New Year beer which is hilaaaaaarious! No? Ok, fine. I've had it out of the 12oz bottle this year but I've never had it out of the magnum before and I'm pretty excited to try it.

Back to business! November SBA was awesome, as SBA continues to be. Especially so this time because a buddy of mine who I don't get to see very often, as she lives over an hour away, was able to join us. She brought a Delirium beer with which she shares a name... I'll let you guess. Here I am with her and my younger sister, Vice President of SBA.

extra cool

Here was our lineup:

November lineup

The Maredsous was my contribution to the meeting, the theme of which was Belgians: Dubbels, Tripels, and Quads. Maredsous is a favorite of mine year-round. The 4 who attended made it through all but the last half of the Affligem, which was the most anticipated of the beers but the least appreciated, after the Sam Adams Chocolate Bock stole the show. It tastes just like chocolate ice cream (and apparently is just as delicious warm)! Unfortunately, I've only seen it available in Sam Adams' Winter Seasonal 12-pack. Lucky for me, I got one on sale at BevMo's BevMo Days sale for like $12. Pretty sweet. Anyway, There wasn't a single beer that everybody didn't love, and since the pilseners and summer lagers of our first meeting, suffice it to say we've come a long way.

It looks like the December meeting won't happen until after Christmas, what with 4 birthdays and as many holiday-themed parties on my calendar. Next week I'll try to post something relevant, I've got a lot of new beers in my fridge to try and I wouldn't mind telling you about them!

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Soooooo I skipped the October post for the Club. The meeting went swimmingly, everyone brought some delicious snack to share and we tried some tasty fall seasonals. I didn't take any notes, but I did take two pictures that I'll share with you here:

October SBA Selection

These are the beers we enjoyed. The Ayinger was everyone else's favorite, mine was ALL OF THEM. Have you ever had any of these beers? I could kick myself for not taking any notes, because I remember how tasty they were, but that's about it. I was truly impressed by the contributions that my little Susans brought. Also, I made Beer Bread!

Punkin Ale Bread

There's Lil Loafy, baking away in the oven. It was dense, moist on the inside, and crusty on the outside. Also incredibly bland. We toasted a bit of it and put some butter on it, and it worked, but was still totally bland. I got this recipe from Google (3 cups flour, 3 tablespoons sugar, 12 oz beer) and couldn't find much variation in my research. I think next time I'll modify it just about any way I can think of to perk it up. Maybe pumpkin pie filling would have been good. I'm not an improviser when it comes to baking.

You may have noticed that all my beers seem to be enjoyed out of New Belgium's Globe glasses (available here). At any time, my fridge is about half full of beer. I keep a good rotation going. So, like my fridge, my cupboards are pretty dedicated to my drinkware. I have a lot of mugs, steins, pilsner glasses, pint glasses, champagne flutes, champagne saucers, wine glasses, stemless wine glasses, highballs, tumblers, and some globes. All I want are some tulip, balloon, chalice, and goblets. But I have no room! I guess that's my only rant. I have so little room in my tiny apartment for anything, that every time I suggest bringing more beer, glassware, bakeware, or cookware home, Mr Anthony looks at me like I'm a 10 year-old who just made Rum French Toast. He puts up with a lot.

So November is coming up, which means another SBA meeting and ideally, another post. I think I ought to start posting more often, and I'd like to start with a post-Halloween beer and costume review. Stay tuned!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Bloggin This Sheez

So I had this idea to start a beer club for ladies. I don't have that many friends, but I know a few ladies who like beer. This first meeting we had was last month, but half of my prospective Susans had other pressing matters to attend to. It was a little boring, I had no idea what to do, so we sat around and tasted some beers, tried to get a handle on some tasting vocabulary, etc. I'd call it a success, I made some delicious snacks and everybody seemed pretty pleased (with the exception of one Susan who didn't want to be there in the first place on account of harboring a strange hatred for beer. I did my best to convert her, it's a work in progress).

So here goes round two, and even though half the Susans ditched again, I am determined to keep Clubbing, regardless of who shows or doesn't show. Sad? Maybe. Delicious? Without a doubt. And thus begins the second meeting of Susan Beer Anthony. Elizabeth (my #2) and I are splitting each of five 10-24 oz beers, starting with New Belgium Hoptober, current fall favorite second only to Paulaner Oktoberfest. 


We had planned to go to 99 Bottles in Santa Cruz, but after half the club had prior obligations, Elizabeth and I thought we'd save some money and Club at home. We went to BevMo for our selection, mostly out of laziness (it's about a mile from home) but also because it offers a decent selection at a reasonable price.

I've had a few Hoptobers already this year, and for some reason this one doesn't quite hit the spot. Could be because the ones I had before were enjoyed during 90 - 100 degree afternoons, and tonight is a calm 70. It's so attractive though, isn't it? Cheers.



Sam Adams Oktoberfest. Not that exciting, the nose seems almost astringent, which is weird. Sooner or later I'll get around to educating myself so I can accurately describe the beer that we're tasting. But not tonight. Did I mention it's Friday?

Round Three

Elizabeth presents Chimay

Elizabeth presents Chimay Premiere. What can I say about Chimay? It's delicious, a go-to for beer enthusiasts and non-enthusiasts alike. She's never had it, her sweetheart says it reminds him of Newcastle. Is this what I get for not shelling out for Grand Reserve? Sigh. It's a process. Soon she'll be a beer snob just like me and we'll snob up the rest of the Susans together.

Round Four


The nose is throwing me off... it smells like something you just picked and crushed in your hand, the name of which is escaping me. That's going to bug me. It's a little minty, a little grassy. Tastes bright and frankly, a little bland. I don't think I'll buy this again. To be perfectly honest, I'm a little luricated, and I don't even like this beer a little bit. I'll finish it, we don't waste, but I won't buy it again.

Final Round!

Maredsous Tripel.

Maredsous Tripel. By far, my favorite Belgian. Smells like extra sour rye, my favorite bread. Tastes like bright, fruity happiness. I love life.