Friday, September 10, 2010

Bloggin This Sheez

So I had this idea to start a beer club for ladies. I don't have that many friends, but I know a few ladies who like beer. This first meeting we had was last month, but half of my prospective Susans had other pressing matters to attend to. It was a little boring, I had no idea what to do, so we sat around and tasted some beers, tried to get a handle on some tasting vocabulary, etc. I'd call it a success, I made some delicious snacks and everybody seemed pretty pleased (with the exception of one Susan who didn't want to be there in the first place on account of harboring a strange hatred for beer. I did my best to convert her, it's a work in progress).

So here goes round two, and even though half the Susans ditched again, I am determined to keep Clubbing, regardless of who shows or doesn't show. Sad? Maybe. Delicious? Without a doubt. And thus begins the second meeting of Susan Beer Anthony. Elizabeth (my #2) and I are splitting each of five 10-24 oz beers, starting with New Belgium Hoptober, current fall favorite second only to Paulaner Oktoberfest. 


We had planned to go to 99 Bottles in Santa Cruz, but after half the club had prior obligations, Elizabeth and I thought we'd save some money and Club at home. We went to BevMo for our selection, mostly out of laziness (it's about a mile from home) but also because it offers a decent selection at a reasonable price.

I've had a few Hoptobers already this year, and for some reason this one doesn't quite hit the spot. Could be because the ones I had before were enjoyed during 90 - 100 degree afternoons, and tonight is a calm 70. It's so attractive though, isn't it? Cheers.



Sam Adams Oktoberfest. Not that exciting, the nose seems almost astringent, which is weird. Sooner or later I'll get around to educating myself so I can accurately describe the beer that we're tasting. But not tonight. Did I mention it's Friday?

Round Three

Elizabeth presents Chimay

Elizabeth presents Chimay Premiere. What can I say about Chimay? It's delicious, a go-to for beer enthusiasts and non-enthusiasts alike. She's never had it, her sweetheart says it reminds him of Newcastle. Is this what I get for not shelling out for Grand Reserve? Sigh. It's a process. Soon she'll be a beer snob just like me and we'll snob up the rest of the Susans together.

Round Four


The nose is throwing me off... it smells like something you just picked and crushed in your hand, the name of which is escaping me. That's going to bug me. It's a little minty, a little grassy. Tastes bright and frankly, a little bland. I don't think I'll buy this again. To be perfectly honest, I'm a little luricated, and I don't even like this beer a little bit. I'll finish it, we don't waste, but I won't buy it again.

Final Round!

Maredsous Tripel.

Maredsous Tripel. By far, my favorite Belgian. Smells like extra sour rye, my favorite bread. Tastes like bright, fruity happiness. I love life.

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