Back to business! November SBA was awesome, as SBA continues to be. Especially so this time because a buddy of mine who I don't get to see very often, as she lives over an hour away, was able to join us. She brought a Delirium beer with which she shares a name... I'll let you guess. Here I am with her and my younger sister, Vice President of SBA.

Here was our lineup:

The Maredsous was my contribution to the meeting, the theme of which was Belgians: Dubbels, Tripels, and Quads. Maredsous is a favorite of mine year-round. The 4 who attended made it through all but the last half of the Affligem, which was the most anticipated of the beers but the least appreciated, after the Sam Adams Chocolate Bock stole the show. It tastes just like chocolate ice cream (and apparently is just as delicious warm)! Unfortunately, I've only seen it available in Sam Adams' Winter Seasonal 12-pack. Lucky for me, I got one on sale at BevMo's BevMo Days sale for like $12. Pretty sweet. Anyway, There wasn't a single beer that everybody didn't love, and since the pilseners and summer lagers of our first meeting, suffice it to say we've come a long way.
It looks like the December meeting won't happen until after Christmas, what with 4 birthdays and as many holiday-themed parties on my calendar. Next week I'll try to post something relevant, I've got a lot of new beers in my fridge to try and I wouldn't mind telling you about them!
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