These are the beers we enjoyed. The Ayinger was everyone else's favorite, mine was ALL OF THEM. Have you ever had any of these beers? I could kick myself for not taking any notes, because I remember how tasty they were, but that's about it. I was truly impressed by the contributions that my little Susans brought. Also, I made Beer Bread!

There's Lil Loafy, baking away in the oven. It was dense, moist on the inside, and crusty on the outside. Also incredibly bland. We toasted a bit of it and put some butter on it, and it worked, but was still totally bland. I got this recipe from Google (3 cups flour, 3 tablespoons sugar, 12 oz beer) and couldn't find much variation in my research. I think next time I'll modify it just about any way I can think of to perk it up. Maybe pumpkin pie filling would have been good. I'm not an improviser when it comes to baking.
You may have noticed that all my beers seem to be enjoyed out of New Belgium's Globe glasses (available here). At any time, my fridge is about half full of beer. I keep a good rotation going. So, like my fridge, my cupboards are pretty dedicated to my drinkware. I have a lot of mugs, steins, pilsner glasses, pint glasses, champagne flutes, champagne saucers, wine glasses, stemless wine glasses, highballs, tumblers, and some globes. All I want are some tulip, balloon, chalice, and goblets. But I have no room! I guess that's my only rant. I have so little room in my tiny apartment for anything, that every time I suggest bringing more beer, glassware, bakeware, or cookware home, Mr Anthony looks at me like I'm a 10 year-old who just made Rum French Toast. He puts up with a lot.
So November is coming up, which means another SBA meeting and ideally, another post. I think I ought to start posting more often, and I'd like to start with a post-Halloween beer and costume review. Stay tuned!